Coming Up...

What scares you? 

 I was giving a lot of thought to this topic lately while thinking over several periods in my life where I’ve gone through some pretty  traumatic stuff. 

 Here I am thinking that I’d overcome so many things and moved on, growing and shelving them in my library of life experiences. 

 Lately, I’ve realized that’s not been quite the case. I have a lot of residual fear, anger, anxiety-and even guilt-about things in my past. Some pretty serious trepidation regarding the future. Some pretty major decisions to make in the next year, including a possible move.

 I will be delving into some of them at times as not only is it part of my personal growth, but that I can share and maybe it will resonate with you and help you find self-acceptance on whatever journey you are going through. 

 The span of things for me ranges far and wide. 

From the current state of affairs in the world, my children’s future, the certainty of death as family members age, to my cancer journey-there are so many layers that have presented themselves as I’ve continued to heal and grow from all the damage. (Self-inflicted and otherwise)

 I have taken notes on things as they happen-the good and the ugly. I read over them from time to time and appreciate the opportunity to look back on things a bit more objectively as time has given the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. In many cases there’s a lot more leftover than I’d realized.

 The journey continues. 

 Maybe the fact that I’m hitting a benchmark birthday this year has something to do with it. All I can say to that is people are surprised to find out how old I’ll be. It can be difficult. I have the humor of a 12-year-old boy, and the attitude of an invincible 29 year old. 

 I do have to admit that my body occasionally reminds me that it’s in charge-usually after the fact. That, and dear friends who remind me that there are times to be reasonable in managing things. 

 Who knows-I might even grow up one day!


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